Quick Start

One page summary of how to start a Open-Set-Go project.

🙎 Client

1.Install with script

You can also easily install it through install.sh!

2.Install Manually

  • Clone our Repository!

    git clone https://github.com/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go_client.git
  • Install the Development Environment

  • Install Node Dependencies

    yarn install
  • Create .env file at root to use secret environment

    See more details at EnvironmentVariable.md

  • Start Open-Set-Go Server

     # for development
     yarn start
     yarn start:linux # start HTTPS for linux
     yarn start:wins # start HTTPS for windows
     # for production
     yarn build
     yarn global add serve
     serve -s build

🖥️ Server

1.Install with script

You can also easily install it through install.sh!

2.Install with docker

  • Pull our docker image!

     docker pull ymw0407/open-set-go_server
  • Create .env file at root to use secret environment

    See more details at EnvironmentVariable.md

  • Start Open-Set-Go Server’s docker with environment variable!

    2.Install Manually

  • Clone our Repository!

    git clone https://github.com/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go_server.git
  • Install the Development Environment

  • Install Node Dependencies

    yarn install
  • Create .env file at root to use secret environment

    See more details at EnvironmentVariable.md

  • Start Open-Set-Go Server

     # for development
     yarn start
     yarn start:dev # Restart by detecting changes in the file!
     # for production
     yarn build
     node dist/main.js