On this page
Default Settings
GitHub OAuth Sign Up/Login
You can check essential rights and choose organizations you want to use in Open-Set-Go.
1.Repository Settings
Set Repository Name (Validation Check), Description, the framework, .gitignore.
2.License Settings
Allows permission, condition, limitation comparison and selection of licenses provided by Github.
3.Pull-Request Template Settings
Sorting and providing various pull-request templates in githubstar order, selecting or modifying the templates to suit your needs, or creating new ones.
4.Issue Template Settings
Issue templates are provided by type, and users can select, and create the same as pull-request templates. Each Issue template can be set as title and description, and can be added as needed.
5.CONTRIBUTING.md Settings
Sorting and providing various CONTRIBUTING.md templates in githubstar order, enabling you to select or modify templates to suit your needs. Select templates categorized by type to create templates that fit your needs.
6.README.md Settings
Sorting and providing various README.md templates in githubstar order, enabling you to select or modify templates to suit your needs. Select templates categorized by type to create templates that fit your needs.
7.Complete Project Creation
When you complete the creation of the project, you send mail to which the documentations are connected. In the repository that you created, the documents you set are committed and pushed.
1.Select a repository
When you proceed with yourself or membership/login, choose a repository that has more than push permission from the authorized organization.
2.Project Operational Assessment
Divided into templates, communities, and security, the parts that have not been evaluated are marked in red circles.
- Template checks the presence or absence of Pull-Request Template, Issue Template, README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md. More about Template
- Community checks whether Description, Code of Conduct, Discussion, and License are enabled. More about Community
- Security checks whether Security Policy, Dependabot, CodeQL, Secret Scanning is enabled. More about Security
3.Project Operational Assessment
If you want to fill the gaps in the template part, you can select, modify, and create templates as in the start function by clicking on each Pull-Request Template, Issue Template, README.md , and CONTRIBUTING.md.
4.Create Pull Request
If you make a new template through number 3, make a Pull Request.