
Auth Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
POST/auth/github-login?code=<authCode>GitHub OAuth Login
POST/auth/github-logoutonly need cookiesRemove Cookies

🗒️ note:
Auth Module is based on GitHub OAuth Apps!
You can get your testing authCode at our GitHub OAuth Apps
Request of /auth/github-login?code give you cookies that can access every request that need cookies

User Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
GET/user/profileonly need cookiesResponse BodyUser Info for user profile
GET/user/grantedInfoonly need cookiesResponse BodyuserInfo with org


Response Body

// case 1 [200]
  "id": "ymw0407",
  "name": "Yun Min Woo",
  "avatar": ""


Response Body

// case 1 [200]
  "id": "ymw0407",
  "avatar": "",
  "org": [
      "id": "webOS-KOSS",
      "avatar": ""
      "id": "AgainIoT",
      "avatar": ""
      "id": "C-Snake",
      "avatar": ""

Repo Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
POST/repocookies + Request BodyResponse Bodycreating repository with description
POST/repo/checkDuplicationcookies + Request BodyResponse Bodycheck repository is duplicate
GET/repo/getPulbicRepoonly need cookiesResponse Bodyget public repository that granted
POST/repo/getRepoDetailscookies + Request BodyResponse Bodyget detail information of specific repository


Request Body

// case 1: Normal Case -> creating repository successfully [200]
  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go_test",
  "description": "This is the test of creating repository with `/repo` POST Method"
// case 2: Worse Case -> already existing repository [404]
  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go_server",
  "description": "This is the test of creating repository with `/repo` POST Method"

Response Body

// case 1: Normal Case -> creating repository successfully [200]
// case 2: Worse Case -> already existing repository [404]
Not Found


Request Body

// case 1: creatable repository [201]
  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go_test"
// case 2: already existing repository [201]
  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go_server"

Response Body

// case 1: creatable repository [201]
// case 2: already existing repository [201]


Response Body

// case 1 [200]
    "owner": "ymw0407",
    "avatar": "",
    "repoName": [
    "owner": "AgainIoT",
    "avatar": "",
    "repoName": [


Request Body

// case 1 [201]
  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go_server"

// case 2 [201]
  "owner": "ymw0407",
  "repoName": "ymw0407"

Response Body

// case 1 [201]
  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "name": "Open-Set-Go_server",
  "fullName": "AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go_server",
  "repoURL": "",
  "description": "'Project Starting Toolkit' for OpenSource SW developers who can easily, quickly and conveniently start an Open Source project.",
  "language": "TypeScript",
  "star": 8,
  "fork": 3

// case 2 [201]
  "owner": "ymw0407",
  "name": "ymw0407",
  "fullName": "ymw0407/ymw0407",
  "repoURL": "",
  "description": null,
  "language": null,
  "star": 0,
  "fork": 0

Mail Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
POST/mailonly need cookiesStatus will send(NOT FOUND or OK)send mail to user(after respository create)

🗒️ note:
If the mail didn’t come to the set primary mail account on GitHub, please take a look at the spam box!

File Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
POST/filecookies + Request BodyStatus will send(NOT FOUND or OK)upload file to repository
GET/file/supportedEnvResponse Bodygive supportedEnv
GET/file/gitignoreResponse Bodygive gitgignore list


Request Body

// case 1 [200]
  "owner": "ymw0407",
  "repoName": "testasdfasdf",
  "language": "JavaScript(Node.js)",
  "framework": "Express.js",
  "gitignore": ["VisualStudioCode", "Linux"],
  "PRTemplate": "### markdown",
  "IssueTemplate": [
      "type": "Bug_Report",
      "content": "test"
      "type": "Feature_Request",
      "content": "test22"
  "contributingMd": "###",
  "readmeMd": "###",
  "license": "mit"

Response Body

// case 1 [200]


Response Body

// case 1 [200]
    "language": "JavaScript(Node.js)",
    "frameworks": [
        "framework": "React",
        "path": "/React"
        "framework": "Express.js",
        "path": "/Expressjs"
    "language": "TypeScript(Node.js)",
    "frameworks": [
        "framework": "NestJS",
        "path": "/NestJS"


Response Body

    "IDE": [
    "OS": ["Linux", "macOS", "Windows"],
    "ETC": [

File/license Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
GET/file/licenseonly need cookiesResponse Bodyget license information


Response Body

    "license": "apache-2.0",
    "name": "Apache License 2.0",
    "description": "A permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.",
    "permissions": [
    "conditions": ["include-copyright", "document-changes"],
    "limitations": ["trademark-use", "liability", "warranty"],
    "featured": true
    "license": "mit",
    "name": "MIT License",
    "description": "A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.",
    "permissions": [
    "conditions": ["include-copyright"],
    "limitations": ["liability", "warranty"],
    "featured": true
  } // ... more than 5 licenses

File/pr Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
GET/file/prRequest QueryResponse Bodyget prs information
GET/file/pr/<id>Response Bodyget pr information only id
GET/file/pr/amountResponse Bodyget pr temlates amount


Request Query

// case 1 - page=2, amount=3 -> 6 ~ 8 [200]

// case 2 - page=1 -> amount will be 20 -> 0 ~ 19 [200]

Response Body

    "_id": "64f175c218eed0c9b21a2f2e",
    "repoName": "AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go",
    "repoUrl": "",
    "star": 26
    "_id": "64f2fedb2a1079c11a9a646e",
    "title": "simple-preset",
    "repoName": "michaelkolesidis/javascript-software-synthesizer",
    "repoUrl": "",
    "star": 20
    "_id": "64f324482a1079c11a9a6470",
    "title": "detail-preset",
    "repoName": "OpenRoberta/openroberta-lab",
    "repoUrl": "",
    "star": 100000
    "_id": "64f326072a1079c11a9a6471",
    "title": "comment-preset",
    "repoName": "inversify/InversifyJS",
    "repoUrl": "",
    "star": 100012


Response Body

- **Please check if the PR fulfills these requirements**

* [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
* [ ] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)

- **What kind of change does this PR introduce?** (Bug fix, feature, docs update, ...)

* **What is the current behavior?** (You can also link to an open issue here)

- **What is the new behavior (if this is a feature change)?**

* **Does this PR introduce a breaking change?** (What changes might users need to make in their application due to this

- **Other information**:


Response Body


File/issue Module

MethodRequest PathRequestResponse BodyDescription
GET/file/issueResponse Bodyget issue templates
GET/file/issue/<id>Response Bodyget issue templates content


Response Body

    "type": "Bug_Report",
    "templates": [
        "id": "64ec8e19ad1cef842264f78c",
        "title": "Bug Report for Web Service"
        "id": "652893f822ee43f98993b51f",
        "title": "Bug Report for Web Service2"
    "type": "Feature_Request",
    "templates": [
        "id": "6528934c22ee43f98993b51d",
        "title": "Feature Request for Web Service"
    "type": "Documentation_Issue",
    "templates": [
        "id": "6528938422ee43f98993b51e",
        "title": "Documentation Issue for Web Service"


Response Body

  "content": "body:\n  - type: dropdown\n    id: browsers\n    attributes:\n      label: \"Browsers\"\n      description: What browsers are you seeing the problem on?\n      multiple: true\n      options:\n        - Firefox\n        - Chrome\n        - Safari\n        - Microsoft Edge\n        - Opera\n    validations:\n      required: true\n\n  - type: dropdown\n    id: os\n    attributes:\n      label: \"OS\"\n      description: What is the impacted environment?\n      multiple: true\n      options:\n        - Windows\n        - Linux\n        - Mac\n    validations:\n      required: true\n\n  - type: textarea\n    id: description\n    attributes:\n      label: \"Description\"\n      description: Enter an explicit description of your issue and explain the bug briefly and clearly.\n    validations:\n      required: true\n\n  - type: textarea\n    id: reprod-steps\n    attributes:\n      label: \"Reproduction Steps\"\n      description: Explain your issue step by step.\n      render: bash\n    validations:\n      required: true\n\n  - type: textarea\n    id: solution\n    attributes:\n      label: \"Solutions\"\n      description: If you have a solution, please share it.\n      render: bash\n    validations:\n      required: false\n\n  - type: textarea\n    id: screenshot\n    attributes:\n      label: \"Screenshots\"\n      description: Add screenshots to help explain your problem.\n      value: |\n        ![DESCRIPTION](LINK.png)\n      render: bash\n    validations:\n      required: false",
  "image": "Base64 string! too long..."

File/contributing Module

MethodRequest PathRequestResponse BodyDescription
GET/file/contributingRequest QueryResponse Bodyget contributings information
GET/file/contributing/<id>Response Bodyget contributings information only id
GET/file/contributing/amountResponse Bodyget contributing temlates amount
POST/file/contributing/generateRequest BodyResponse Bodyget contributings for generate


Request Query

// case 1 - page=2, amount=3 -> 6 ~ 8 [200]

// case 2 - page=1 -> amount will be 20 -> 0 ~ 19 [200]

Response Body

// case 1 - page=2, amount=3 -> 6 ~ 8 [200]
    "_id": "652861f1dea21592d9928f29",
    "repoName": "aws/awc-cli",
    "star": 14330,
    "license": "Apache License 2.0"
    "_id": "652861aadea21592d9928f28",
    "repoName": "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders",
    "star": 1308,
    "license": "Apache License 2.0"
    "_id": "65286020dea21592d9928f26",
    "repoName": "octokit/core.js",
    "star": 1082,
    "license": "MIT License"

// case 2 - page=1 -> amount will be 20 -> 0 ~ 19 [200]
        "_id": "6528614ddea21592d9928f27",
        "repoName": "gohugoio/hugo",
        "star": 69355,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"
        "_id": "65285f58dea21592d9928f23",
        "repoName": "expressjs/express",
        "star": 62068,
        "license": "MIT License"
        "_id": "65285d90dea21592d9928f22",
        "repoName": "nestjs/nest",
        "star": 60270,
        "license": "MIT License"
        "_id": "652861f1dea21592d9928f29",
        "repoName": "aws/awc-cli",
        "star": 14330,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"
        "_id": "652861aadea21592d9928f28",
        "repoName": "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders",
        "star": 1308,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"
        "_id": "65286020dea21592d9928f26",
        "repoName": "octokit/core.js",
        "star": 1082,
        "license": "MIT License"
        "_id": "65285c35dea21592d9928f21",
        "repoName": "AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go_server",
        "star": 8,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"


Response Body

## Content of the too long...


Response Body

  "amount": 7


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go",
  "description": "Open-Set-Go is the name of asdfadsfasdfasdfadsadsfasasd", // optional
  "license": "Apaceh 2.0 License" // optional

Response Body

    "_id": "6527a963f2ab4fc291e5ffcf",
    "index": 1,
    "type": "Title and Description",
    "content": "# Open-Set-Go\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n<a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"\" width=\"200\" alt=\"Enter Your Logo!\" /></a>\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  Open-Set-Go is the name of asdfadsfasdfasdfadsadsfasasd\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"/LICENSE\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"License\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"contributors\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's last-commit\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's stars\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's forks\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's watchers\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's issues\" /></a>\n</p>\n"
    "_id": "6527ab64f2ab4fc291e5ffd1",
    "index": 6,
    "type": "License",
    "content": "# License\n\nOpen-Set-Go is released under Apaceh 2.0 License.\nSee the [LICENSE file](\"./LICENSE\") for details.\n"

File/readme Module

MethodRequest PathRequestResponse BodyDescription
GET/file/readmeRequest QueryResponse Bodyget readmes information
GET/file/readme/<id>Response Bodyget readmes information only id
GET/file/readme/amountResponse Bodyget readme temlates amount
POST/file/readme/generateRequest BodyResponse Bodyget readmes for generate


Request Query

// case 1 - page=2, amount=3 -> 6 ~ 8 [200]

// case 2 - page=1 -> amount will be 20 -> 0 ~ 19 [200]

Response Body

// case 1 - page=2, amount=3 -> 6 ~ 8 [200]
    "_id": "652861f1dea21592d9928f29",
    "repoName": "aws/awc-cli",
    "star": 14330,
    "license": "Apache License 2.0"
    "_id": "652861aadea21592d9928f28",
    "repoName": "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders",
    "star": 1308,
    "license": "Apache License 2.0"
    "_id": "65286020dea21592d9928f26",
    "repoName": "octokit/core.js",
    "star": 1082,
    "license": "MIT License"

// case 2 - page=1 -> amount will be 20 -> 0 ~ 19 [200]
        "_id": "6528614ddea21592d9928f27",
        "repoName": "gohugoio/hugo",
        "star": 69355,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"
        "_id": "65285f58dea21592d9928f23",
        "repoName": "expressjs/express",
        "star": 62068,
        "license": "MIT License"
        "_id": "65285d90dea21592d9928f22",
        "repoName": "nestjs/nest",
        "star": 60270,
        "license": "MIT License"
        "_id": "652861f1dea21592d9928f29",
        "repoName": "aws/awc-cli",
        "star": 14330,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"
        "_id": "652861aadea21592d9928f28",
        "repoName": "GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders",
        "star": 1308,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"
        "_id": "65286020dea21592d9928f26",
        "repoName": "octokit/core.js",
        "star": 1082,
        "license": "MIT License"
        "_id": "65285c35dea21592d9928f21",
        "repoName": "AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go_server",
        "star": 8,
        "license": "Apache License 2.0"


Response Body

## Content of the too long...


Response Body

  "amount": 7


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go",
  "description": "Open-Set-Go is the name of asdfadsfasdfasdfadsadsfasasd", // optional
  "license": "Apaceh 2.0 License" // optional

Response Body

    "_id": "6527a963f2ab4fc291e5ffcf",
    "index": 1,
    "type": "Title and Description",
    "content": "# Open-Set-Go\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n<a href=\"\" target=\"blank\"><img src=\"\" width=\"200\" alt=\"Enter Your Logo!\" /></a>\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  Open-Set-Go is the name of asdfadsfasdfasdfadsadsfasasd\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"/LICENSE\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"License\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"contributors\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's last-commit\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's stars\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's forks\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's watchers\" /></a>\n  <a href=\"https://github/AgainIoT/Open-Set-Go\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"your repo's issues\" /></a>\n</p>\n"
    "_id": "6527ab64f2ab4fc291e5ffd1",
    "index": 6,
    "type": "License",
    "content": "# License\n\nOpen-Set-Go is released under Apaceh 2.0 License.\nSee the [LICENSE file](\"./LICENSE\") for details.\n"

Review Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
POST/review/templatecookies + Request BodyResponse Bodyreview pr & issue template, readme, contributing exist
POST/review/communitycookies + Request BodyResponse Bodyreview description, code of conduct, discussion, license exist or enabled
POST/review/seuritycookies + Request BodyResponse Bodyreview dependabot, codeql, secretscanning, security policy enabled


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go"

Response Body

  "pr": true, // or false
  "issue": true, // or false
  "contributing": true, // or false
  "readme": true // or false


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go"

Response Body

  "description": true,
  "license": {
    "exist": true,
    "name": "MIT"
  "conduct": true,
  "discussion": true


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go"

Response Body

  "codeql": true,
  "secretScan": true,
  "securityPolicy": true,
  "dependabot": true

Review/file Module

MethodRequest PathRequest BodyResponse BodyDescription
POST/review/file/prcookies + Request BodyResponse Bodycreate Pull-Request at target repository with pr template
POST/review/file/issuecookies + Request BodyResponse Bodycreate Pull-Request at target repository with issue template
POST/review/file/contributingcookies + Request BodyResponse Bodycreate Pull-Request at target repository with
POST/review/file/readmecookies + Request BodyResponse Bodycreate Pull-Request at target repository with


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go",
  "content": "## test Markdown\n- test1\n- test2"

Response Body


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go",
  "issues": [
      "category": "Bug_Report",
      "content": "---\nname: \"🐛 Bug Report\"\ndescription: Report a bug\ntitle: \"🐛 [BUG] - <title>\"\nlabels: [\"bug\"]\nassignees: []"
      "category": "Feature_Request",
      "content": "---\nname: \"🐛 Bug Report\"\ndescription: Report a bug\ntitle: \"🐛 [BUG] - <title>\"\nlabels: [\"bug\"]\nassignees: []"


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go",
  "content": "## test Markdown\n- test1\n- test2"

Response Body


Request Body

  "owner": "AgainIoT",
  "repoName": "Open-Set-Go",
  "content": "## test Markdown\n- test1\n- test2"

Response Body