
What the pages in Docs contain.

🚩 Prologue

This page contains a one-line introduction to Open-Set-Go, a description, and the features it provides. It consists of Introduction, What is Open-Set-Go?, Why Open-Set-Go?. Prologue →

🤝 Guide For Development

This page is intended for developers who want to contribute to the development of the Open-Set-Go project. It consists of Quick Start, Environment Variable, API Spec, Contribution, and Commands. Guide For Development →

📌 Guide For Client

This page is for those who want to use Open-Set-Go to create new open-source projects or review operations for existing projects. It consists of Tutorial, Template, Security, Security, and Recommandation. Guide For Client →

🔎 Template Guides

This page describes the languages, versions, and more that need to be installed according to the framework. Now it’s about Express, NestJS, React. Template Guides →

🔒 License

Each repository in Open-Set-Go has been licensed and verified for third-party license dependencies. Each page contains information about four repositories, Open-Set-Go, Open-Set-Go_server, Open-Set-Go_client, and License →

💡 Help

This is a page that you can check when you have questions or want to ask for help from the again IoT team. You can ask questions directly by the way you are in contact, check the FAQs to see the answers to your questions, and request the template you want through the Template Request. Help →